Wednesday, November 29, 2006
2:42 PM
Go to for full post.
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 2:42 PM
(Pictures and some paragraphs are omitted from this post, go to for full post.)
Have you ever heard of the NASN? It is a four-man-crap-group. We specialise in Singapore exploring and crap making.
Using advanced technology, we are able to go in-depth into the world of each of our members.
First...(name omitted)
He is strong, muscular, and specialise in exaggerated crap. He works in KFC and is under-paid with ONLY 3 dollars. His face have millions of pimples which makes it disgusting for his girlfriend to kiss him.
(Picture omitted)
Second...(name omitted)
He is small, highly agile and have high stamina. He specialise in funny crap. He works in West Coast Park Macdonald's which is quite near to his new school :Commonwealth Secondary School. He ALWAYS go out for more than 12 hours at a time.
(Picture omitted)
p.s. He is not digging his nose.
Third...(name omitted)
He is A BIT bigger than Afiq and only talk about MRT and sex. He specialise in nonsense crap and he have no jobs. He sucks.
(Picture omitted)
Last AND least...(name omitted)
He is fat, big, but not muscular. He cannot crap. He only makes stupid faces which makes the NASN laugh.
(Picture omitted)
We are from twothree.
You know what...FUCK OFF.
You come to my class blog and advertise you lame shit? Your mother not alive is it?
Recommend me to your friends? You think I am a prostitute?
You stupid advertiser.
my, my, my.. u better watch ur words Afiq or u might have to pay for tat.. and a blog is susposed to be like tat, open to all.. if u do not like, by all means go put a password on this blog.. SO FU*K OFF AND MIND UR OWN BUSINESS COZ THIS IS UR CLASS BLOG, NOT UR BLOG.. IDIOT!! HAHA.. PLS DUN LOOK INTO THE MIRRIOR WITH A HEIGHT CHART BEHIND U, U WILL BE SHOCKED AT HOW SHORT U ARE!!!! HAHAHA!!!
FUCK OFF our class blog larh stupid sex maniac. Anonymous? Just how fucking sucky is your fucking name?
And this fucking class blog is fucking made by me and Afiq. U nameless bull SHIT.
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
11:26 PM
Sentosa here
Blogged by.. [~-|Norman|-~] at 11:26 PM
Sentosa Trip (content)
It was fun, in a way. The sentosa trip i conclude NOT A WASTED ONE ANYMORE, because we played. First of all thing, when 2/3 reached, i fell and cut my right foot deeply. God planned it. EVERYTIME i go out a 'once-in-a-lifetime-trip' i always started the trip with some form of injury, ranging from little cuts to fracture. Wtf.
I defied. I went down to the water despite the fresh blood flowing out of the wound. Soon, chemical reaction occurred, and my wound was infected and swollen. I then made a poultice out of brown seaweed to ease the scorpion sting. Koyotito then felt better. Er..Ok i suddenly thought of the literature text and just typed crap.
BEACH ( bi-chee/bitch). When i think of beach, somehow i think of half-desert half-sea place, where sometimes there are more % of sea and land. Back to topic.
The We-buried-jeryl campaign. We buried jeryl, except for the head. The head was left untouched, microwaved under the strong sun, with great force and such long time. Soon, the head grew uncomfortable, and soon it was gone..
The POLICE!!!..yea..!!! Police was involved. Pirated CD sold. Reported by X person. yea, over.
I have yet to include the little fun stuffs that if adds up, becomes great,
We are from twothree.
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
4:57 PM
Go to for full post
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 4:57 PM
(There is no image from my camera because my cable got a problem)
(Sorry, eh?)
Yesterday I went to Sentosa for a class outing. Great huh? The whole class going out, playing TOGETHER, swimming TOGETHER, cycling TOGETHER. But that didnt happened. What I saw was three main significant groups.
1) The Swimmers
2) The Mat-warmers
3) (sentence have been omitted, please go to for full post)
The swimmers are basically those who went to the beach, and SWIM, or dig the sand, or sit down there talk with their girlfriends. This group is constantly moving, as in, moving their bodies, not moving away from the meeting point.
(paragraph have been omitted, please go to for full post)
The Events
These are some of the "events" that happened in the outing that is significant enough for me to write about.
1) The death of Jeryl
We bury Jeryl, as in, some people bury Jeryl in the sand and Norman and me took pictures o him!!! WOW!!! After that, he moved. He became alive again. Good thing.
Here are some picture courtesy of Norman Au Hoe Sun:-
(picture have been omitted, please go to for full post)
2) The Vivocity-stuff
(paragraph have been omitted, please go to for full post)
Pictures of this event will be posted some time later.
3) The report to the police
Me, Norman and Nash (and the rest of the class) were walking to Harbourfront center when we saw two guys selling pirated DVDs near an overhead bridge. Norman decided to call the police and report the matter to them. He took distant photos of the guys faces, and Afiq( took NEAR photos of his face(due to his unlimited braveness).
The pictures of this event will NEVER be posted.
Ok, then.
We are from twothree.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
12:36 PM
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 12:36 PM

Students mugging for examinations is a common sight, as they congregate to have group study sessions, in public areas such as restaurants and libraries.
Samuel Yap, 36, an associate, however, is "puzzled" by the sight of these students using seats in the Central Lending Library at Victoria Street as tables rather than for sitting down, on 31 October, at 1 pm.
This was his email to STOMP:
"I was walking around and I saw plenty of students lying on the seats
and sleeping. I informed one of the librarians immediately, but I
could sense she doesn't bother at all. She walked away and I told the
Customer Service, and then she took action.
But one thing that puzzles me is that students were actually allowed
to use the seats as "tables". The attached picture shows it. Gone
are the good days when the Library was at Stamford Road - No bags, no
books were allowed. The rules were very strict and I think many will
missed those strict rules.
Students these days are really abusing the Library. Isn't it time
the Librarians open their eyes wide?"
Taken from |
Let me say this in the "I hate students who study in libraries" point of view.
First of all, the library is a "a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study" (from Based on the sentence alone, the library is a place that contains books. Oh wait, it says "for reading and study". Doesn't that mean that you can study in a library? No. The sentence says that "books and other materials for reading and study", you can only the study the books and materials in the library, not your textbooks or history notes.
Second, the library is a "a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing". You go to the library, read some books, carry them over to the "I want to borrow this book" counter, borrow the books, and get out.
There is no third for this "I hate students who study in libraries" point of view version.
"I love studying in the lbrary" point of view tomorrow. Thank you for being patient.
We are from twothree.
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Monday, November 06, 2006
7:54 PM
bored. very bored
Blogged by.. serene at 7:54 PM
can someone relieve me of my boredom?
im free tmr. bored and free. cos i have no training tmr, which is bad if you ask me -.-
wonder when the class outing will be.. hmm..][
bye~ gtg. dinner. after that?
bored again -.-
We are from twothree.
poor serene... dying without zy... anyway y u nva reply my sms??? miss u soooooooooooooooo much!!! anyway how's ur day wifout him
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Friday, November 03, 2006
8:23 PM
Fully extracted from
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 8:23 PM
Saw this comment on
In my opinion, he is a man, married and have a wife(which explains who he married, a woman). Must he tell what he do BEFORE sex, it is like telling:-
"Hey, before I went into the toilet, I cracked my pelvis, because if I dont, it will make my toilet bowl cringe."
What he should tell us is whether he used birth control methods such as:-
1) Vagina Cement
2) Dick Protector
3) Baby Assassin
4) Anal Forcefield
5) Sperm Howitzer 3.6 inches
And the popular one...the condom. Obviously, that is why condominiums existed, either, that is where condoms are made...or...condoms are USED. In any case, MTV is helping the condom industry to rise into the mainstream community with their advertisement that says:-
"Value life, use a condom"
which indirectly means:-
"To continue having sex with multiple partners, regardless they have AIDS, HIV or Bird flu, use a condom"
Full stop.
(extracted from
(must give credits marh)
We are from twothree.
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Thursday, November 02, 2006
3:26 PM
Blogged by.. [~-|Norman|-~] at 3:26 PM
(All are my opinions or pure crap.)

I know the title of this post is idiotic, but lets get to the point. This post is about smoking.
I hate smokers!!! They kill themselves still not enough, must smoke and smoke until PSI level increase until unhealthy level, then affect everyone.
First, you waste money on cigarettes. Next, some smokers even purposely puff out the smoke infront of people or just inside the lift. These kind of inconsiderate people I think when dying that time instead of oxygen mask just give then a boost of smoke, which will lead them to immediate recovery of whatever illnesses they are having.
These people are hopeless. They believe smoking is cool. They believe people look up to them. They believe people admire their courage to smoke. And last of all, they believe non-smokers want to smoke but cannot afford to. Why do i say that? Then why do they purposely smoke directly infront of others???
Singapore did not ban smoking for these reasons :
*Loss of money.
*Do not want the heavily chained smokers to die.
*Believe in the people.
The government hope that Singaporeans are clever enough to quit smoking or rather to not even start smoking. Disappointing enough, many people still smoke, and even love it. Thus, Singapore has no choice but to increase the price of cigarettes. However, smokers got the wrong message. They blame the government for wanting them to be bankrupt.
*No grudge against people who are doing their best to quit smoking.*
!!! !!! !!! !!! COMMENTS !!! !!! !!! !!!
We are from twothree.
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Wednesday, November 01, 2006
12:10 PM
I really KENA ghost!!!
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 12:10 PM
I experienced something weird yesterday night. Fortunately, I lived to tell the story. I also had a camera in my hands which I had used to take the pictures of the REAL FLOATING ghosts spotted in my bedroom.
Go to to see the pictures!!!
We are from twothree.
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