Tuesday, November 07, 2006
12:36 PM
Blogged by.. AfiQ at 12:36 PM

Students mugging for examinations is a common sight, as they congregate to have group study sessions, in public areas such as restaurants and libraries.
Samuel Yap, 36, an associate, however, is "puzzled" by the sight of these students using seats in the Central Lending Library at Victoria Street as tables rather than for sitting down, on 31 October, at 1 pm.
This was his email to STOMP:
"I was walking around and I saw plenty of students lying on the seats
and sleeping. I informed one of the librarians immediately, but I
could sense she doesn't bother at all. She walked away and I told the
Customer Service, and then she took action.
But one thing that puzzles me is that students were actually allowed
to use the seats as "tables". The attached picture shows it. Gone
are the good days when the Library was at Stamford Road - No bags, no
books were allowed. The rules were very strict and I think many will
missed those strict rules.
Students these days are really abusing the Library. Isn't it time
the Librarians open their eyes wide?"
Taken from |
Let me say this in the "I hate students who study in libraries" point of view.
First of all, the library is a "a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study" (from Based on the sentence alone, the library is a place that contains books. Oh wait, it says "for reading and study". Doesn't that mean that you can study in a library? No. The sentence says that "books and other materials for reading and study", you can only the study the books and materials in the library, not your textbooks or history notes.
Second, the library is a "a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing". You go to the library, read some books, carry them over to the "I want to borrow this book" counter, borrow the books, and get out.
There is no third for this "I hate students who study in libraries" point of view version.
"I love studying in the lbrary" point of view tomorrow. Thank you for being patient.
We are from twothree.
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