I know the title of this post is idiotic, but lets get to the point. This post is about smoking.
I hate smokers!!! They kill themselves still not enough, must smoke and smoke until PSI level increase until unhealthy level, then affect everyone.
First, you waste money on cigarettes. Next, some smokers even purposely puff out the smoke infront of people or just inside the lift. These kind of inconsiderate people I think when dying that time instead of oxygen mask just give then a boost of smoke, which will lead them to immediate recovery of whatever illnesses they are having.
These people are hopeless. They believe smoking is cool. They believe people look up to them. They believe people admire their courage to smoke. And last of all, they believe non-smokers want to smoke but cannot afford to. Why do i say that? Then why do they purposely smoke directly infront of others???
Singapore did not ban smoking for these reasons :
*Loss of money.
*Do not want the heavily chained smokers to die.
*Believe in the people.
The government hope that Singaporeans are clever enough to quit smoking or rather to not even start smoking. Disappointing enough, many people still smoke, and even love it. Thus, Singapore has no choice but to increase the price of cigarettes. However, smokers got the wrong message. They blame the government for wanting them to be bankrupt.
*No grudge against people who are doing their best to quit smoking.*
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We are from twothree.