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Sunday, December 09, 2007
8:34 PM

Blogged by.. cottonmug at 8:34 PM

Hi there. How are you guys doing?

So there has been suggestions from many people to have a 2/3 '06 outing this December holidays.

Please tag the dates when you're free on the last week of the holidays, which is between, say, 23rd to 31st December. Preferrably the weekdays maybe so the places will be less crowded.

Also, suggest what activities you want and the preferred venue.

Maybe hanging at Sentosa? Sleepover? Or something.

Thanks. (:

And Merry Christmas in advance.

We are from twothree.


hmm, I think we should just call our classmates, since not many people read this blog anymore.

I would be free anytime.

By Blogger AfiQ, at 9:02 PM  

i'm free anytime. except for the 30th.

confirm the date soon yea?
then got time to do homework. ^^

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 AM  

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Saturday, July 14, 2007
10:36 AM

The power ot 2/3 2006

Blogged by.. AfiQ at 10:36 AM

Yes yes.

This is not a dead blog. This blog is merely in the process of decomposing. We can use fertilisers to make it alive, again, like what Anne said: "BLOG SMTH PPLE. KEEP THIS ALIVE:x" And of course, please stop telling others to post when you(whoever) would not post in the near future.

I, Afiq, know that 2/3 is very under-enthusiastic in class outings, but when it comes to "natural bonding", as in, when we are together, we do feel that we are, with nationalist feelings, from 2/3 2006.

Therefore, 2/3 is not dead. The blog is not dead.

(unless, someone really die larh).

We are from twothree.


YES, Keep 2/3 alive !
Keep your class spirit alive !
btw, I am a passbyer : )

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:52 AM  

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Sunday, February 25, 2007
4:30 PM


Blogged by.. [~-|Norman|-~] at 4:30 PM

This quarrel shall officially end with this post.
No matter what has happened before doesn't matter.
Unless you want to rack up the problem and start it again.

Anyone who found talking about it in this blog again shall be suspended for a week. This is to stop the quarrel effectively and efficiently. I wish for your understanding.


We are from twothree.

Thursday, December 14, 2006
6:18 PM

Blogged by.. cottonmug at 6:18 PM


hey our class outing is 99% confirmed.

next saturday, which is the 23rd of december, we'll be going to east coast park to bike or blade or if you want to book a pit to bbq also can.

meet at 10am at city hall mrt, or if that's too early you can tag your objections.

oh and those people who show absolutely no class spirit and say it'll be a total waste of time, idiots. you know who you are (a bunch of dudes).

see ya!~

We are from twothree.


wa can change it to 27 please? eunice here

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:29 PM  

too late already, will be busy getting ready for school :(

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:03 AM  

20 21 22???

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:44 PM  

Fuck off penis enlargement maniac.

By Blogger [~-|Norman|-~], at 1:32 PM  

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Sunday, December 03, 2006
3:11 PM

Blogged by.. serene at 3:11 PM

hey ppl want to go to go to east coast to blade or cycle? comment then we decide on a date can? dates cannot be on friday and sunday and some otehr days la..

haha i suddenly just felt like cycling with you 2/3 ppl :)

We are from twothree.



By Blogger AfiQ, at 10:38 PM  

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
2:42 PM

Go to for full post.

Blogged by.. AfiQ at 2:42 PM

(Pictures and some paragraphs are omitted from this post, go to for full post.)

Have you ever heard of the NASN? It is a four-man-crap-group. We specialise in Singapore exploring and crap making.

Using advanced technology, we are able to go in-depth into the world of each of our members.

First...(name omitted)

He is strong, muscular, and specialise in exaggerated crap. He works in KFC and is under-paid with ONLY 3 dollars. His face have millions of pimples which makes it disgusting for his girlfriend to kiss him.

(Picture omitted)

Second...(name omitted)

He is small, highly agile and have high stamina. He specialise in funny crap. He works in West Coast Park Macdonald's which is quite near to his new school :Commonwealth Secondary School. He ALWAYS go out for more than 12 hours at a time.

(Picture omitted)

p.s. He is not digging his nose.

Third...(name omitted)

He is A BIT bigger than Afiq and only talk about MRT and sex. He specialise in nonsense crap and he have no jobs. He sucks.

(Picture omitted)

Last AND least...(name omitted)

He is fat, big, but not muscular. He cannot crap. He only makes stupid faces which makes the NASN laugh.

(Picture omitted)

We are from twothree.


You know what...FUCK OFF.

You come to my class blog and advertise you lame shit? Your mother not alive is it?

Recommend me to your friends? You think I am a prostitute?

You stupid advertiser.

By Blogger AfiQ, at 8:43 PM  

my, my, my.. u better watch ur words Afiq or u might have to pay for tat.. and a blog is susposed to be like tat, open to all.. if u do not like, by all means go put a password on this blog.. SO FU*K OFF AND MIND UR OWN BUSINESS COZ THIS IS UR CLASS BLOG, NOT UR BLOG.. IDIOT!! HAHA.. PLS DUN LOOK INTO THE MIRRIOR WITH A HEIGHT CHART BEHIND U, U WILL BE SHOCKED AT HOW SHORT U ARE!!!! HAHAHA!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:10 PM  

FUCK OFF our class blog larh stupid sex maniac. Anonymous? Just how fucking sucky is your fucking name?

And this fucking class blog is fucking made by me and Afiq. U nameless bull SHIT.

By Blogger [~-|Norman|-~], at 1:36 PM  

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Sunday, November 26, 2006
11:26 PM

Sentosa here

Blogged by.. [~-|Norman|-~] at 11:26 PM

Sentosa Trip (content)

It was fun, in a way. The sentosa trip i conclude NOT A WASTED ONE ANYMORE, because we played. First of all thing, when 2/3 reached, i fell and cut my right foot deeply. God planned it. EVERYTIME i go out a 'once-in-a-lifetime-trip' i always started the trip with some form of injury, ranging from little cuts to fracture. Wtf.

I defied. I went down to the water despite the fresh blood flowing out of the wound. Soon, chemical reaction occurred, and my wound was infected and swollen. I then made a poultice out of brown seaweed to ease the scorpion sting. Koyotito then felt better. Er..Ok i suddenly thought of the literature text and just typed crap.

BEACH ( bi-chee/bitch). When i think of beach, somehow i think of half-desert half-sea place, where sometimes there are more % of sea and land. Back to topic.

The We-buried-jeryl campaign. We buried jeryl, except for the head. The head was left untouched, microwaved under the strong sun, with great force and such long time. Soon, the head grew uncomfortable, and soon it was gone..

The POLICE!!!..yea..!!! Police was involved. Pirated CD sold. Reported by X person. yea, over.

I have yet to include the little fun stuffs that if adds up, becomes great,


We are from twothree.


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September 2006
October 2006

November 2006

December 2006
February 2007
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AfiQ aka Fiqo


The Class
for making it possible


The rest of the people who are not linked, which excludes those i forgot.

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Chin Hwee

Jun Ting

Jing Jie



Kong Yong

Xuan Yu


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